Saturday, December 8, 2012

magarpuwa: Health And Fitness: Allergies - Ed Santos5362's ...


An allergy (also called hypersensitivity reaction from) occurs when the body's defense system, the system inmunolgico, overreacts against one alergnico exposicina.ste can reach these tissues by direct contact with the skin, mucous membranes or the blood circulation travs after absorptionAlergnicos Examples are pollen, plants, dust (expensive), the cosmetics, and hair of animals, vaccines, and medicines. Also, fsicos agents such as heat, sunlight froy can cause allergy and, equally, variety of foods such as oranges, milk, eggs, wheat, fish and other sea foods, chocolates, tomatoes, and strawberries.
It is important to know that the symptoms of an allergy does not appear the first time I came into contact with a alrgeno as an exhibition continuing need for the system to start considering inmunolgico that substance as harmful and generate a defense response.
Among the most common symptoms of allergy are:


Nasal Congestion, coughing, sneezing.
Shortness of breath,
Headache, fatigue,
Nausea, dizziness, diarrhea,
Eye redness, watering, burning,
Itching, hives, swelling,
This response may be sneezing followed a cutnea eruption, stomach problems or a runny nose.


Folk Remedies
Allergy Remedy # 1: Garlic is an excellent natural remedy for allergies so it is recommended that people who suffer so much in your meals consumed especially in salads.Allergy Remedy # 2: In some coastal areas of Amrica, is widely used by alrgicos sea salt. To do this, dilute half teaspoon of sea salt in water and then vacuum filtered, for 20 seconds, a little of the water first in one of the nostrils by covering the other, repeat this procedure with the other nostril and then must expel water from his mouth.
If alrgico bothers suck water directly, you can use a dropper which must enter into the hole slightlyIn this sense, grandmothers decan sea beams that are beneficial and also positive for people alrgicas sanation andwith sinusitis.
Allergy Remedy # 3: If a alrgico ducts have a stuffy nose, can chew a clove of garlic and quickly note that Guests may breathe easier.
Allergy Remedy # 4: A natural remedy is to rub really curious ears until they feel warm to uncover the nose.
Allergy Remedy # 5: Another home remedy is to chew a piece of honeycomb for ten minutes to decongest sinus of alrgicos.
Allergy Remedy # 6: the cooking bag flower combat itching, redness and inflammation of the skin often caused by allergies. To do this, boil water and nothing else out of the fire aadimos 3 tablespoons flower bag and let stand for 1 minute. You should take this infusion vapors, quel relieve nasal Congestion, but especially to be applied, an hot, with a moistened cotton on areas of the skin where the itching have gone out of the alergay the irritation disappear instantly.
Allergy Remedy # 7: Mix equal parts, eyebright, nettle and boneset llantn greater. Place 1 teaspoon in a cup of water. Boil for 3 minutes, leave in infusion, cover and filter. Take three hot cups a day.
Allergy Remedy # 8: People who suffer from hay fever allergic rhinitis or hay fever, can develop this juice which contains ingredients like, 4 tablespoons vinegar, 1 cup water, a jet of radish juice and a splash of lemon which should be mixed to a glass and taketh given during 5 days.
Allergy Remedy # 9: Mix 1 cup of bran in a quart of water and apply this on the Preparation area where the allergen cutnea.
Allergy Remedy # 10: Pour in 1/2 liter of boiling water est, 1 tablespoon sage, rosemary and 1 1 nettle. Cover, drain and let cool. Take this infusion given over.Herbal remedy for allergen control available in our store


There are some very useful recommendations to avoid, prevent allergies contolar and which are described continuacin:
Environmental recommendations


Install an air conditioner (both at home and in their automobile) and keep clean the filters often enough
Install a humidifier which help in combating pollen and mold.
Do not smoke, as the smoke of snuff can worsen alrgicas responses in adults and children with conditions alrgicas.
Avoid irritating odors, gas, paint, smoke and perfumes.
Breastfeeding for at least six months if possible. this helps prevent allergy
Keep the house clean and dust free.
Remove the things that are usually expensive as carpets
Clean with damp cloth and vacuum the table tops and floors in the room in the area where NIOO plays.
Keep weeds cut if you have a garden
Save the magazines, books and papers in closed shelves to prevent dusting.
Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible
Having, as pets, fish tanks ONLY
Use a facial mask (as used by doctors and nurses in the operating room) when doing tasks especially home gardener by polno whether to use the vacuum, as est may shed large amounts of dust.
Seal with plastic protectors, pillows and the colchny hot water wash linen and covers, at least once a week, to eliminate expensive.
Make a diary of everything you eat to identify alrgeno.
Do not eat the following foods to determine whether or not they alrgico:
meat, caffeine, chocolate, fruits Generators, corn, eggs, man, oats, processed products, tomatoes, salmon, strawberries, wheat ygrmenes
Avoid products that contain artificial colors,
Take plenty of water to thin mucus and ease expectoracin,
Consuming soy milk, tofu, and soy meat if it alrgico to milk, cheese and meat, as they have a high protein content.
If you have some of these symptoms in a fit of allergen, you should consult with your doctor:


A whistle when breathing
Congestion in the chest that makes your breath
An attack that does not respond to OTC medications
Increase in number and size rpido of hives all over the body which can indicate a crash anafilctico.


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