Wednesday, December 5, 2012

3 Ways To Find Comfort When Your Baby Is In The NICU ...

Posted on 04. Dec, 2012 by Danielle Buffardi in Birth, Family, Labor & Delivery, newborn, Pregnancy

When your child is in the NICU it can be a very emotional time for your family.

It?s incredibly hard on your entire family both mentally and physically when your baby is born prematurely.

The questions, the not knowing what?s in store, and the time spent in the hospital can take a toll on those families whose infants have to stay in the NICU unit of the hospital.

Here are three ways to help you and your family find comfort during this trying time.

1. You?re Not Alone


This is such a powerful thing to remember.

While it?s a hard fact to grasp, there are thousands of babies born that are sent to the NICU unit and, in turn, countless families are going through exactly what you?re facing right now..

The reasons are plenty and know that your baby is there is to help them become stabilized enough to take home.

If you feel you?d like some additional support during this time, talk to the nurses about support groups for parents that are also in your position.

Many hospitals provide groups that meet a couple of times per week so that parents of NICU babies can meet others, develop helpful friendships, and also to learn more about what to expect during your baby?s journey while in the NICU.

2. Educate Yourself


It?s emotionally upsetting to not know the lingo and the NICU?s procedures.

When you can, do some online research while you have downtime in the hospital.

This way, you?ll be better prepared to understand what the nurses and doctors come to you with and you?ll also be more apt to ask questions and garner more information as to the how?s and why?s of what?s going on with your baby.

3. Be Your Baby?s Advocate


While you might not have an MD after your name, there still isn?t anyone who knows your baby better than you, mama.

You absolutely have a say when it comes to the care that your baby receives.

You can ask that his incubator be moved to a quieter spot on the NICU, you can help change diapers, you can breastfeed, you can bottle feed, you can hold your baby, you can sing to him, you can rub his legs and let him know mama is near.

Whatever you feel is right for your child, feel free to discuss with the nurses and doctors. Yes they know a lot and they are there to help you and your baby, but a mother?s love and guidance is something only you can give to your baby so do speak up for your child.

Being strong for your baby will make you a stronger mother and help to give you the comfort and determination to see your family through until you can bring your baby home.


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About the author: Danielle is a professional blogger, freelance writer, social media manager, and web content editor specializing in parenting, family, pregnancy, social media, start-ups, and entrepreneurial topics. To learn more about Danielle, please visit her website at

Tags: premature baby in the NICU


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