Friday, November 16, 2012

Analysis of "The Nun's Priest's Tale"

Chaucer has successfully passed his message to the audience by employing mock-heroic in the story of Chanticleer. He has utilized this technique by elevating animals to behave like human beings. He has taken a trivial event and elevated it into something that is of a powerful universal import. He has used this technique to describe a fox that catches a rooster in the barnyard. Consequently, Chaucer uses animals to depict the real behavior of humans and this suggests that the fox's chase is epic and is an indication of absurdity in the incoming situations.

From this scenario, this technique has reduced mankind to animal values hence losing his dignity. (Donald, 23) Chaucer has used humor and personification to lengthen his light hearted story whereby he elaborates how the Chanticleer was taken by fox, and from this scenario, he is trying to tell the audience not to believe on everything that they are being told. By looking at this tale in the first place, Chanticleer was captured in the first place because he listed to the flattery fox and then he later escaped by persuading the fox to heed to his advice. (Rose and Silken, 112)

The Nun's Priest's Tale is one of the most brilliant tales of Chaucer, and it functions in several levels. Bestiary a literally device, in which animals are given the behavior of human beings has also been used by Chaucer and from such a scenario; this is an insult to humans by suggesting that animals behave like humans. When Chanticleer was lured by fox, and the subsequent chase by every creature in the premises, depicts the use of an elevated event/language in the tale to promote the splendid acts of epic heroes. (American Library Association, 2008).

Moreover, the fox was also called a traitor or Iscariot is mockery. In addition, for Chanticleer and Lady Pertelote to hold discussions about the divine foreknowledge in high moral an intellectual tone in the tale of the barnyard is ironical. Consequently, this mock-heroic makes human beings to loss their dignity as they are reduced to animal like values.

In addition, contrast has been utilized in to give two scenarios of the human world the rich and the poor. The description of the widow is depicts poverty in society that the widow had eaten the slender meal that contrasts with "bour" and "Halle" of the rich. Consequently, by Chanticleer's effortless work of making sure that the sun does not go down is ridiculous. There is a clear contrast between the real world and the barnyard that is the nobility of the animals and the real world. There is also the use of flattery which enabled Chanticleer to escape successfully. According to Don Russell instead of listening to flattery it is better keeping quiet. In conclusion, the tale is appealing the audience to be careful when making decisions they should be careful. (Skeat, 56).

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