Saturday, June 23, 2012

Video: Prince William turns 30

>>> it was 30 years ago tonight we announced on this broadcast the birth of william arthur phillip louis of the house of windsor better known to you and me as prince william . he turned 30 today and is now a married man second in line to the british throne and today he inherits a minor fortune from the estate of his late mother who has now been gone for half his life. we get the story tonight from nbc's stephanie gosk.

>> reporter: prince william can't be blamed for wanting to keep his 30th birthday low key . between the queen's diamond jubilee , the royal wedding , and very soon the summer olympics , there has been no shortage of big events. but it is no less a milestone.

>> i think his mother would be very proud of him.

>> reporter: today william inherits his half of princess diana 's fortune a reported $15 million.

>> i'm sure it is a bitter sweet moment for prince william to inherit this money, his mother's legacy.

>> reporter: the man second in line to the british throne is born with many of life's most difficult challenges already overcome -- money, check. future job, check. but it is what he does beyond that that defines him.

>> there's so much i want to do and it worries me occasionally. i want to do it all.

>> reporter: but he has made a start. william is passionate about his military career as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot, and his charity work inspired in many ways by his mother.

>> she wanted to give so much love and so much care to people who really needed it.

>> reporter: prince william volunteers at the same homeless shelter where princess diana dedicated her time.

>> what we see is he has got this ability like his mother had to connect. he really genuinely feels he cares.

>> reporter: prince william even spent a cold, winter night in an alley way with homeless teenagers to get a sense of what it would be like but also to show how dedicated he is to helping them out. the brave 15-year-old who walked behind his mother's coffin has turned into a confident, poised young man born with a title but striving not to live a life of entitlement. stephanie gosk, nbc news, london.

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