Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Network Marketing Tips: Ignore Google and Get On with It | Network ...

As someone who comes from a long line of wives and mothers, and a mother

Google reported that last year, they updated their search algorithm (the method by which they decide how to rank content) over 500 times. If you're trying to get your content noticed, here's my favorite of all network marketing tips: Ignore Google and get on with it. You can spend all your time second guessing what they are looking for, or you can just be really, really good at what you do. If you're sane, you'll go with option two. Here's how to get started.

myself for nearly 19 years now, I?m pretty well versed in what it takes to bring someone new into the world, give her the tools she needs to survive, and then know when to step back, let go, and let her make her own way.

Over the course of our married life, J and I have also created a handful of businesses.

And guess what?

Bringing a new business to the marketplace is a whole lot like bringing a new life into the world: it?s exciting and terrifying, all at the same time, and just when you think you?ve got it all figured out, something happens to challenge what you know, and you?re left scrambling to adjust.

If you?ve been in the online home-based business arena for at least six months now, you?ll probably resonate with that last sentence.

That?s because so much has changed in such a short amount of time, and what was acceptable in the summer of 2011 for online marketing has become irrelevant today.

Leading the change (and keeping us on our toes) is Google, whose latest attempt at making search relevant and reliable, Google Penguin, is challenging everything we?ve learned about search engine optimization.

Following Google is Twitter, whose recent rash of lawsuits against social media tools that seek to automate the process of marketing via a Twitter feed has left us scratching our heads over here and tiptoeing through our streams, not completely sure whether we?re doing it ?right? or not.

Network marketing pros spend a lot of time trying to figure out what Google and the social media networks want in order to get their content ranked, noticed, and generating income.

Here?s the thing with that strategy, though: It never works.

As soon as you think you?ve got it all figured out, something changes.

Last year alone, Google says it changed its algorithm for how it ranks content over 500 times.

That means at least twice a day, Google was reshuffling the deck to best determine what kind of content to put at the top of a search result.

You can?t win, people. In fact, when it comes to figuring out what works and what doesn?t with Google, you?re not even on the same playing field, let alone in the locker room.

So it?s silly to try.

If you want to be successful in your home-based biz, here?s my favorite of all network marketing tips:

Ignore Google, and get on with it.

Because whatever changes in the online marketing world, there are a few things that remain constant ? things that, if you?re going to succeed in your home-based business, must be part of its very DNA. These include:

1) Quality content: Regardless of what you are marketing, or how you go about doing it, you must produce quality content. There?s no way around it.

And when you think about it, quality is all Twitter and Google and all the other content controllers are after. Make it your business to produce quality above all else, and your success is guaranteed.

2) Consistent effort: Network marketing gets a bad rap these days, mostly because the majority of people who get into it think it?s going to be a walk in the park, where the path is paved in gold and the money grows on trees.

In fact, like any other business, network marketing takes work.

But applied and consistent effort always leads to results, which means that, if you stick with it, you will find a way to make your business a success.

3) A reliable network: No one who has ever succeed has done it alone (and there?s no such thing as a self-made man). We all rely on each other for support, ideas, inspiration, and encouragement.

And that?s the way it should be.

Fortify your home-based business with a mentor or coach, someone who knows the ropes, understands the lay of the land, and knows a shortcut or two to success, and you?ll be well on your way.

As always, if you need it, we?re here to help.

In fact, over the next four three weeks, we?re offering for four three TWO additional complimentary coaching spots in which we?ll show you exactly, step-by-step how you can kick start your home biz and begin making the kind of money you know is possible in this industry.

And if you?re not already making at least $3000 a month in your current network marketing opportunity, we?ll talk about that, too.

Because with the right tools, a solid team, and a step-by-step game plan, you?ll have every opportunity you need to start making a great living online.

Contact us right now, and let?s see what we can do with massive talent, massive action, and massive commitment.

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