Monday, December 31, 2012

Democrats, Republicans apart on key "fiscal cliff" issues: Reid

CHICAGO (Reuters) - The FBI is still searching for one of two convicted bank robbers who escaped last week from a high-rise jail in downtown Chicago by lowering themselves on a makeshift rope nearly 20 stories to the street. Kenneth Conley, 38, and his cellmate, Joseph Jose Banks, 37, escaped from the Metropolitan Correctional Center early on the morning of December 18. The pair apparently broke a window in the cell they shared, squeezed through the opening and lowered themselves to the street. They then hailed a cab to make their getaway. ...


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Big Picture Thinkers And Silver | ZeroHedge

Recently I did a radio interview with longtime friend Al Korelin and blurted out that anyone who actively followed the gold/silver markets and did not appreciate how manipulated they are, was a moron. Not sure how that went over with Al?s listening audience, but I would like to parlay that comment here to deal with its significance.

You truly have to be mentally challenged if you follow the gold/silver market action and cannot appreciate something is very amiss, as per the confused Mitsui gold people, as brought to your attention the other day. There is NOTHING to be confused about. The more bullish the news for gold, the more reasons for the price to soar and the more The Gold Cartel deviants go into action to suppress both the gold and silver prices. How many times does the GATA camp have to point this out before the dingbats at Mitsui, and the rest of the mainstream gold world, will go there? The answer is infinity. These mainstream establishment gold pundits will NEVER tell their people the truth about what the gold market is all about. Hara-kiri
would be their first choice before telling the truth.

Most people naturally think the Mayans got it wrong about the world ending on December 21. Of course it is that way at first glance, but if what takes place in the economic/financial market arenas in the years ahead that I see coming, it might prove them correct in a way not commonly thought of (just a few years off and in a different articulation). Whatever is done with our fiscal cliff issue, it represents how incapable our politicians are of dealing with our mounting fiscal deficits and debt in America. It will not signify the end of the world, but could very well come to represent a moment when it becomes CLEAR our standard of living is going to significantly deteriorate ? and an end to a standard of living as we Americans have known it ... the end of that world. If the Mayans are correct in that regard, which I believe to be the case, the standard of living of most Americans, and others around the world, is going to change dramatically for the worse.

As this all kicks in, the realization of how broke the US is, along with many other nations, will take center stage. The understanding of the US money printing game will command the same attention on that stage. The dollar will begin its tapioca swan dive. Gold and silver will begin launches to doubling their prices for starters. The Gold Cartel will have to go into a retreat mode like we have not seen yet.

The Gold Cartel knows what is coming as presented above, which is why they have bombed gold and silver the past month+ when the fundamentals registered the most bullish factoids imaginable. PRICE ACTION MAKES MARKET COMMENTARY. The clueless (or disingenuous) out there in the mainstream gold world refuse to explain why the price of gold has behaved so counterintuitively ?, but the GATA camp will, and does, all the time.

Now, this is what I really want to get to ? in what I truly believe could be of meaningful support during this time of the investing public RUNNING AWAY FROM THE GOLD/SILVER/SHARE MARKETS, just when the focus should be on them the most! The bullish sentiment is really that bad.

To get right to the point, and to try and be of assistance, this is what I have done well at in the past ? getting into a major market move when few investors are paying attention to incredibly bullish fundamentals. That said, I am among THE WORLD?S WORST at dealing with market tops and taking profits. But, since we are dealing with major corrections in gold and silver, accompanied by dreadful bullish sentiment, that should not be of most concern at the moment.

SO, it is my opinion the prices of gold and silver are going to go into an EPIC move up stage, especially silver, next year. Silver will make all-time highs and be streaking for $100 an ounce. If there ever was a time to skew your investment portfolio towards silver, and pay extra attention, it is right now!

It is just human nature to NOT get it at market bottoms, or after significant corrections like we have just had, and to think out of the box. I was fortunate to have learned about all of this from three truly legendary financial market figures, and now there is a fourth. All of them understood true supply/demand numbers which were not appreciated by the investment world at the time. Each could spot a big picture trade and act on their knowledge way ahead of the pack. They were the smart ones, not me. I knew they knew what they were talking about with successful investment backgrounds to prove it. I listened to everything they had to say and learned from them what to spot and why, and then go with them.

I realize many veteran Caf? members know some of this and of those whom I am referring to, but it is worth repeating, right now, and focusing on just where we are after the recent Gold Cartel waterfall attacks. Each of these big picture thinkers could spot markets out of sync and knew how to take advantage of them and play for big money. They have been my mentors and are extraordinary individuals (what I cumulatively learned from them all those years I am hoping is indirectly passed on your way) ?.

*Daniel L. Ritchie


Daniel L. Ritchie became chairman and CEO of the Denver Center for the Performing Arts, one of the nation?s largest cultural complexes, in January 2007. He is the immediate past chairman of the Daniels Fund board, and is president of the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation, which focuses on early childhood education and development.

Dan was chairman of the board of the University of Denver from 2005 to 2007, where he served as the university's sixteenth chancellor from 1989 until 2005. During his tenure, the DU pioneered the teaching of ethics at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Chancellor Ritchie collaborated with Bill Daniels to incorporate ethics, values, and social responsibility throughout the business school curriculum. The business school was renamed Daniels College of Business in 1994 in honor of Bill Daniels.

In June 1994, Dan announced a personal gift to the university of $15 million, achieved through sale of some 19,600 acres of his Colorado ranch. Since then, he has given the university the remainder of the ranch, and its sale has netted more than $50 million for various projects?





I met Dan at the New York Athletic Club in the mid 1970?s. We were in the gym lifting weights and he asked me about a pork belly quote, like in the Daily News, which was not there. What a nice man, I thought, and after taking a futures market class at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration, I thought why not go after what this seemingly bright man told me. I called my Merrill Lynch broker and bought a pork belly contract with a $500 margin requirement at the time. The first day after my broker put on my trade, I lost half my money. What a mistake I thought. Pork bellies went LIMIT UP the next nine out of ten days! I was hooked to go into the commodity futures industry. I asked Dan what I should do after a $4500 gain on a $500 investment in two weeks. I will never forget what he said, "Bill, you have done pretty well for your first trade, take those profits," which I did in a nanosecond. If I only had done that for the rest of my investment career!

Dan was very tied into the astute Refco operation out of Memphis, and made a fortune trading the cattle, hog and pork belly markets, with some great soybean trades thrown in there too.


I will never forget talking to Dan over a dinner when he was pondering whether to resign from Westinghouse Broadcasting, after being the number two guy under Lew Wasserman at MCA pictures, to run D.K. Ludvig?s empire. Ludvig was the richest man in the world at the time. And I will never forget that we flipped a coin to determine who would pay for dinner that night.


*Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio

Net Worth

$10 B As of September 2012


  • Founder & Co-Chief Investment Officer, Bridgewater Associates
  • Age: 63
  • Source of Wealth: hedge funds, self-made
  • Residence: Greenwich, CT
  • Country of Citizenship: United States
  • Education: Master of Business Administration, Harvard University; Bachelor of Arts / Science, Long Island University
  • Marital Status: Married
  • Children: 4



Ray is obviously a genius. Now famed CEO Sandy Weill didn?t think so when he fired Ray from his hedging director position at Shearson Hayden Stone in the mid 1970?s. Mr. Weill did not appreciate that, to make a hedging point, Ray brought in a girl with a fur coat on during a presentation of his in San Francisco. Her naked body was all that was left when Ray asked her to take off the coat.

So Ray started Bridgewater Associates. I had just joined Shearson and he needed someone to do a lot of grunt work for him. Many a night I took the subway from downtown Manhattan to midtown around 11:00. Ray got me going financially back then with his buy corn and feeder cattle futures and sell cattle futures when their margins were too fat. We did the reverse when they were too unprofitable. Made 100% on my money in days to weeks every time.

I know a number of you have seen this picture of Ray and me in Rio way back when, but it is too much fun to pass up here.


*Frank Veneroso

I was recruited to join the ill-fated Drexel Burnham on Park Avenue in 1980. That is where I met Frank as he was interested in buying bond futures when the interest rates were running up to 20%. He was early and took some hits, but then sold THE HIGH TICK after their first mega rally. I know, I did the trade. He made a killing.

Frank was known as a Wall Street Whiz Kid back then who was making money every year during the DOW dog days. He was then a consultant to a number of governments. One of my favorite financial stories ever is this one:

The Stock Market

Recollections of the Greatest Market Bubble Ever?

Memories of the Souk al Manakh

How large can a bubble grow before it bursts? Farther than you think. And there need not be a fatal pinprick that makes it burst. And when it bursts, the crash that ensues can be deeper and more discontinuous than you could ever imagine?





Frank was commissioned by the World Bank to do a study on the copper market in 1986. Copper was nowhere back then, the price depressed to around 46 cents a pound. Frank was stunned to learn how bullish the fundamentals were because of the obvious demand which would be surfacing from Asia. FEW realized what was about to transpire, preferring to concentrate on the increasing importance of fiber optics. We muddled with the copper futures trade for a year. Then in May of 1987 there were no deliveries on the May contract. That was it I thought, the KEY to getting the trade right. I bought thousands of out of the money copper options. Copper went to $1.46 per pound by the end of the year, surviving the 1987 stock market crash in October of that year. I made $27 million on the trade and then found a way to blow a good deal of it. But, being Jackie Onassis?
neighbor in Bernardsville, N.J. for a couple of years is still a fond memory.


All of that brings me to where we are today and the reason I would like to make a commotion out of this commentary?

*Eric Sprott

Eric, who is one of GATA?s most ardent supporters, is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and a true genius. As my good friend John Embry (brilliant in his own right) has told me for years, Eric is the best student of supply/demand dynamics he has ever come across. His presentation at the Dos Passos Table is just one example of what John is referring to.

Eric has been jumping up and down about the price of silver?s potential for many years now and was very visible at certain conferences not that long ago when the price was $14/16 an ounce. He has been all over the place this year talking to investors about what he thinks the price of silver is going to do and why. Eric has publicly stated silver is going to $100 per ounce and higher. He is my anchor when I pound the table about silver ? that same anchor of formidable insight I learned so long ago from the likes of Dan Ritchie, Ray Dalio, and Frank Veneroso. It is not me you need to pay attention to, but Eric!

I don?t need to be able to break down the supply/demand numbers like Eric has done; and like Dan, Ray and Frank have done for so many years. I know they know what they are talking about. What I can bring to the table is an appreciation of just how much gold and silver have been manipulated, and orchestrated down to artificially low prices, which will not stand in the years ahead. JP Morgan, and others suppressing the price, has to be close to being forced into backing off. Their use of derivatives to suppress the price in the face of an extremely tight physical market ought to be very close to having run its course. Knowing what we know in the GATA camp about what JP Morgan has done will prove to be invaluable in the months and years ahead. No one knows that more than Eric.

The investment opportunity of a lifetime is staring us in the face and not that many investors out there get it. Eric does and he has backed it up publicly with his investments: his ETF (PHYS) is an example. Fortunes will be made in silver over the years ahead for those willing to do their homework and take a plunge ? and that will be most true in the silver shares whose firms have the goods in the ground.

Investing in many of the junior/exploration stocks in the gold/silver sector has been a horror show these last years. While I have been so right about gold and silver for the past 12 years, my second biggest investment mistake ever was not to take profits around 2008 with my share selections when the legendary Bob Bishop told the attendees at GATA Goes To Washington conference in April of 2008 that the move up in the gold/silver shares was over for the time being. As you may know, Bob is going to let his latest thoughts known at GATA?s fundraiser in Vancouver on January 21 at the Pan Pacific Hotel following the Cambridge House conference.

BUT, as bad as the junior/exploration sector has been in recent years, it will be that good by double or triple, or much more, in the years ahead. Think NEWTON?S LAW!

Silver is on its way next year to $100 per ounce. You want to bet against Eric Sprott? And that is the reason for this special commentary. Ritchie, Dalio, and Veneroso are true legends in the futures trading arena, and in the making big money in the markets arena. So is Eric. Keep that in mind and spread the word.

While the standard of living in America and other places is likely to deteriorate significantly in the years ahead, those who have stayed with various gold/silver investments ought to be happy campers. Should that Mayan prediction be all about a drastic change in our standard of living as we have known it (the end of that world), owning silver and the silver shares in the years ahead will be a counter to some darker times on the horizon.


Bill Murphy

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Lawyer for Newtown survivor seeks to file $100 million lawsuit

By Mary Ellen Godin, Reuters

MERIDEN, Connecticut -- A $100 million claim on behalf of a 6-year-old survivor is the first legal action to come out of the Connecticut school shooting that left 20 children and eight adults dead two weeks ago.?

The unidentified client, referred to as Jill Doe, heard "cursing, screaming, and shooting" over the school intercom when the gunman, 20-year-old Adam Lanza, opened fire, according to the claim filed by New Haven-based attorney Irv Pinsky.

"As a consequence, the ... child has sustained emotional and psychological trauma and injury, the nature and extent of which are yet to be determined," the claim said.

Pinsky said he filed a claim on Thursday with state Claims Commissioner J. Paul Vance Jr., whose office must give permission before a lawsuit can be filed against the state.

The parents of a 6-year-old girl who survived the Connecticut school shootings that resulted in the deaths of 20 other children at her school seek to file a claim for $100 million, saying their child was traumatized. NBC's Kate Snow has more.

"We all know its going to happen again," Pinsky said on Friday. "Society has to take action."

Twenty children and six adults were shot dead on Dec. 14 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. The children were all 6 and 7 years old.

Pinsky's claim said that the state Board of Education, Department of Education and Education Commissioner had failed to take appropriate steps to protect children from "foreseeable harm."

It said they had failed to provide a "safe school setting" or design "an effective student safety emergency response plan and protocol."

Pinsky said he was approached by the child's parents within a week of the shooting.

The shooting, which also left the gunman dead, has prompted extensive debate about gun control and the suggestion by the National Rifle Association that schools be patrolled by armed guards. Police have said the gunman killed his mother at their home in Newtown before going to the school.?

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travel & leisure: Super Camping Suggestions For Making A Great Trip

Going camping? Stay tuned for some information about a few of the challenges you may encounter. Although in general camping is pretty simple and safe, it is still important to take some time to prepare yourself for such an adventure. Keep reading for smart tips.

You should be sure you have survival and first aid kits. These can be useful for any situation and can extend your trip. Your kit can also prevent situations from becoming worse and make it easier to get an individual in need to safety. Always make sure that your cell phone is with you when you get to your campsite, and it should be fully charged. You might want to bring an extra battery as well just in case your original runs low. A cell phone will be your best friend in the event of an emergency, so keep it charged and available.

Bring some entertaining items for your trip. Of course, if you bring too many electronics, you may defeat the purpose of the trip, but there is nothing better than sitting beside a lake reading, or listening to music beside a camp fire at night. Bring duct tape with you since it can help you in many situations. This can help to seal and protect your tent and even protect your body.

Duct tape is a valuable item to carry for many different situations. You can use to help seal leaks and rips and hold together important things that break. It can hold your shoes together if they fall apart, and you can even use it in case of emergencies for a temporary bandage or sling. Be certain you are prepared for any event when you're camping. While it's crucial to plan ahead for things, sometimes things don't go according to plan. Weather can change, situations can arise, injuries or illness can strike. Try not to take unnecessary risks that can yield injury or illness. Remember that you, your possessions and your family members are inevitably going to get dirty. Don't stress out when it inevitably happens. Enjoy your time and don't afraid to be messy. You can go back to normal when you go home.

Take some preventative steps in order to avoid inadvertently draining the batteries in your flashlights during your next camping adventure. You can easily press the "on" switch on a flashlight when digging in your camping bag. To prevent draining the batteries, place them in your flashlight backwards. That way, the flashlight cannot possibly drain the batteries if the ON button is bumped. Carry a handkerchief or bandanna while camping. This single fabric piece can be used as a carrying bag, hand towel, paper towel, potholder, and blotter. As you can see, a handkerchief can serve many different purposes on a camping trip.

Before you head out on a long camping expedition, pack and then unpack your bags a few times first. This way, you can find the way that all of your gear fits into the bags and help reduce the chances that you have forgotten to pack anything. Bring along an emergency survival kit, and keep it on you for the duration of your camping trip. A survival kit should include items like a flare gun, matches that are waterproof, a knife and other items you think you may need. For any life threatening situation, these items may be the only thing standing between you and disaster. Your kit should not be left behind at the camp site, but should be carried with you wherever you go.

Consult your physician if you plan to go camping with a significant medical issue. There could be issues that you aren't aware of. You may need to take some extra precautions that you didn't consider. Duct tape is an interesting item to be included in your inventory while camping. It is nearly as useful while camping as it is around the house. You can slap a piece of it on a leaking air mattress. Also, it can help to seal any tears, which can make your item usable for the duration of your trip. If you plan to take a long hike, be sure to place some on feet to avoid developing blisters. In a pinch, it can even serve as a bandage for injuries. Figure out how to use a compass and read a map in advance. Even if you are familiar with your intended campsite, you could still get lost because many areas look the same. This skill can potentially save your life.

A utility knife can serve you well on your camping trip. The versatility of a utility knife makes it priceless when you are out camping. Bring one to slip into your pocket and throw a backup knife into your bag. You never know when your utility knife will come in handy!

Though you should already understand this, you are a visitor to natural surroundings. Do not leave your campsite filthy or throw trash around. When you're done camping, leave your campsite looking as it did before you got there. If you respect nature, it will last for years. When you go camping, check to be sure there are restrooms available. There might not be a portable toilet. All you need is a secluded area to relieve yourself. Always pack enough toilet paper, or you may learn about leaves the hard way.

An orange peel can help to avoid insect bites. Don't worry if you forget the bug spray. Seasoned campers suggest that you can rub your skin with the inside of an ripe orange peel. Mosquitoes hate the smell and will fly away for a few good hours; and you will be free of the nuisance. Camping is a timeless pastime, popular with people of all ages. You can make your next camping trip pleasurable for all who participate when you have the right knowledge. After reading this article, you now have insights for how to make the most of your next camping trip.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Best Online Website Promotion ? Dedicated Servers

Sharing knowledge on the web can be a very powerful way to establish your online presence and credibility. First, you write a thoughtful and informative article on an topic in your area of expertise. Then you submit it to e-zines to be read by the general public and possibly re-published on other web sites. Appended to the end of your article is a resource box containing a brief promotional message linking to your web site. Webmasters who wish to reprint your article on their sites are required to include your resource box along with any live links to your site. The benefit that you get from your article is two-fold. First, your article will be read by visitors to the e-zine site. If they find it helpful and interesting, they will likely visit your web site to see what else you had to offer. Second, webmasters who find your article useful to their visitors may re-publish it on their sites, giving your article additional exposure. Every time your article is re-published on a web site, you gain an additional one-way link to your site through the live link in your resource box. This adds to your link popularity and ultimately increases your search engine rankings.  As you can see, the true potential of your article lies in its ability to propagate virally in cyberspace. For your article to propagate virally, it should appeal to both readers and webmasters alike. Keep in mind that your goal is hold your readers attention long enough for them to get to the  resource box.  If your article is boring and uninformative, few people will read it beyond the first or second paragraph. Below are some pointers to consider when writing an article: 1. Give your article a catchy title. Your title is the first and often the only thing that visitors see when they skim through a list of articles on an e-zine page. Put some thought into coming up with a title that grabs the reader?s attention right away. Words like Secrets,Free, and Successful tend to attract more attention than others. 2. Your article should not read like an ad. Most people read articles to find information they can use, not to see a pitch about your products or services.  If they see your article as nothing more than a shameless act of self promotion, they?ll get turned off and hit the Back button right away.  Put yourself in the reader?s shoes. What benefits do you want to get out of reading an article?  Cater to your reader?s  interests rather than your own. 3. Offer lots of free, useful information. Following on the last tip, keep in mind that your readers are looking for specific how-to instructions to help them achieve a certain goal.  Offer lots of tangible information that is immediately useful to them. Do not lead them through hoops just to get to an order 4) Avoid gimmicks. While it may be true that a sucker is born every minute, most internet users are sophisticated enough to tell what?s legitimate and what?s not. Write with the intention of offering something substantial to the reader. Be honest and forthright. Your article should not cause the reader to think, What is this guy trying to sell me? 5) Be succinct. Get to the point quickly, preferably in the first or second paragraph. Avoid lengthy paragraphs. Use lots of white space to separate your paragraphs to make them easier to read. 6) Your article should not be too short. Certainly, it?s possible to write a good article packed with useful information using just a couple hundred words. If your article is too short, however, some webmasters may feel hesitant to reprint it on their sites. They may, instead, borrow your ideas and write their own articles, gaining authorship without having to give you credit for your ideas. How long should your article be?  I suggest at least 500 words, preferably longer.  Longer articles give webmasters the impression that you have put some time and effort into your work and, thus, are deserving of being reprinted on their sites. 7) Use live (clickable) links in your resource box. Many e-zines permit clickable links in  resource boxes. Yet, many authors forgo this privilege by simply spelling out their URLs. Whenever permitted, you should spell out your URL as well as make it clickable (e.g. The advantages of a clickable URL are, (1) readers can go to your site simply by clicking on it,  and more importantly, (2) search engines will be able to record the ezine page containing your article as a link your web site, adding to your link popularity and search engine rankings. 8) Avoid hyping in your resource box. Your resource box, while promotional in nature, should be brief and tasteful. The purpose of your resource box is not to sell your readers something, but to lead them to your website which does the actual selling. Your resource box should contain your name, your company name, a brief description of your products or services, your web site?s URL, and a clickable link to your site. 9) Put some thought and effort into your writing. E-zines have varying standards for accepting articles, and some accept and publish all submissions without any human review at all. However, this does not mean you should write an article just for sake of having it published somewhere. If your article comes off as half-baked, readers may make a similar assumption about you and your business practices. 10) Submit your article to as many e-zines as feasible. There are dozens of e-zines on the web that welcome submissions from independent authors. Ideally, you?d want your article to be exposed on as many of them as you can. But it takes time to register and submit to each one of them. Therefore, I recommend that you submit to only a handful of the more popular ones. Below is a list of e-zines along with their Google PageRanks (PR).

Best Online Website Promotion


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Newtown trying to give kids a sense of normalcy

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) ? The children at the Sandy Hook Elementary school won't be returning to classes for another week, but officials from the town, school district and local agencies are doing their best in the meantime to keep them occupied following a massacre at their school two weeks ago.

The students have not attended school since a gunman killed 20 of their schoolmates and six adults on Dec. 14. They are slated to return to a different school next Thursday.

In the meantime, they've been treated to field trips, toy giveaways and some organized play time.

"A couple of the teachers have done pizza parties," said Janet Robinson, Newtown's school superintendent. "Another met her kids at the library so they could have a little reading time together. The most important thing has been connecting the students back to their teacher and their classmates."

The Newtown Youth Academy, a nonprofit sports center, opened its doors to all kids in town at no cost shortly after the shooting. But from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. last week, the building's turf field, basketball and tennis courts, and giant inflatable obstacle course were reserved just for Sandy Hook Elementary students.

There have been arts and crafts for the smaller kids, as well as face-paintings. Some celebrities, including two members of the Harlem Globetrotters and former University of Connecticut basketball star Tina Charles, also have stopped by to play with the children. UConn's men's basketball team was making a trip Thursday.

"The idea was to get them away from the house, the television and all the coverage of this tragedy and get them to a place where kids can just be kids," said owner Peter D'Amico, a longtime youth coach in town.

On Thursday afternoon, school buses were loading up at the Youth Academy for a trip to Stamford and a larger complex, Chelsea Piers, which also has ice rinks and an indoor swimming pool, he said. Sports celebrities, such as Brooklyn Nets forward Kris Humphries, planned to meet them there. No media were allowed.

University of Connecticut psychologist Julian Ford, who spent time counseling in Newtown in the first days after the shooting, said it's important for the grieving process to include an outlet that lets children know that while things will never be the same, it's OK to enjoy life.

"They are all going to be thinking about what happened," he said. "That, unfortunately, is inescapable. But this gives them a chance to say, 'Life is carrying on.' Nothing will be the same, but it's also continuing in ways that it should be."

Some students and their parents on Thursday toured the Chalk Hill school in Monroe, a former middle school being reopened next week for the Sandy Hook students. An open house is planned for Wednesday.

"Getting back into the school is like getting back on the horse," Robinson said. "Some of the scariness is gone once they cross that threshold. They are just so happy to see their teachers."

State police said they plan to keep their contact with the children to a minimum as they continue investigating the shooting.

"We certainly don't want to traumatize them any more than they've already been traumatized," said Lt. J. Paul Vance, the department's spokesman. "If (an interview is) not necessary it won't be done. Our investigators will make all those determinations."

In the meantime, Ford has encouraged parents to keep the kids involved in a normal holiday routine and deal with the tragedy as it comes up, rather than making it a focal point of their lives.

David Connors, who has 8-year-old triplets who attend Sandy Hook, said he and his wife have made play dates with their friends, brought the kids to see family for the holidays and participated in the class get-togethers and recreation events.

"That's been, I think, helpful at least in the short term just to kind of keep them doing things, keep them seeing their friends and being nearby and talking to family," Connors said.

Todd Wood of Newtown has five children, the youngest age 4 and the oldest in college. His children's piano teacher lost a child in the shooting, and the family knows other victims as well.

He said he's found that each child has reacted differently to the tragedy. He said he is not making the shooting the center of his family's life but is not pretending it didn't happen, either.

"We did Christmas, we had our lights here, we've tried to make things as normal as possible," he said. "But we also went down to see the memorials. I don't want to shield them from it. I want to let them grieve in their own way."

Ford said that is healthy. He said children will remember their friends as they go about doing normal kid things.

Chris Wolcott, the sport's academy's operations manager, said the best part of having the kids at the center is that the tragedy is pushed aside, at least for a little while.

"A couple times someone would drop a weight (in the facility's health center) and you would hear a bang and there would be a kid who would freeze for a second," he said. "But that would last a split-second. Most of the time, everyone just had a great time."


Associated Press writer John Christoffersen in New Haven, Conn., contributed to this report.


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BMW 3 series a powerful yet fuel efficient hybrid car - Auto Types ...


Thursday, December 27, 2012 - 02:23:48


Rating (4.5/5) 4.5 Star Rating 57 users

Hybrid power train is the latest trend in the car world. Each and every one of the leading car manufacturing brands is struggling with the competition for cutting down the fuel intake of their car. Fuel efficiency and environmental pollution are two of the leading concerns of the modern world. And the car manufacturers are trying to design models that will have the solution to both the problems.

The latest inclusion in this list is the brand new BMW 3 series. The BMW 3 series is one of the bestselling hybrids cars in recent times. The car combines internal combustion petrol driven engine with one run by electricity. So basically has the criteria required to be called a hybrid car.
The aim of all hybrid cars is to go green. The fuel intake of a hybrid car is very low, so that there is minimal stress on the non-renewable resources of energy from this car. The car should cover the maximum distance possible using the minimum amount of non-renewable fuel resource.

The other part of a hybrid car should be to minimise the release of environmental pollutants. The amount of harmful gases that is emitted by a hybrid car affects the amount of pollutants that is present in the air. So a hybrid car should be environment friendly.

The BMW 3 series can be both, but is seldom so. The car can be driven in one of the several modes, one of which is the eco pro mode. The car can be both fuel efficient and eco-friendly when driven at low acceleration in the eco pro mode, but it is seldom driven satisfying these conditions.

If you move on to any other driving mode of the car then the car is all about the speed and thrill. The BMW 3 series has all the required specifications to make it comparable to any sports car. When operated in the sport+ mode, the BMW 3 series blazes through the highway roads.
The design of the car is very impressive. It has all the essential features required in the design of a hybrid car. The internal combustion engine is well in sync with the electric motor. The car can conserve some energy when it is operated, although not as much as the other hybrid cars, but then it makes up for this in the other aspects of the car.

The car packs a powerful engine. It can produce about 340 HP which is enough to produce speeds of up to 155 miles per hour. The pickup of the car is also very nice; it can reach 60 miles per hour in 5.3 seconds. These figures are pretty impressive.

The car consumes one gallon of fuel per 48 miles, which is great. It also emits only 139 gm. of CO2 per kilometre. So it is qualifies as a good hybrid car. The car is priced at about 40,000 pounds, which is quite costly, but then the car is packed with features and is well worth the price.

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Texas Tech rallies to beat Minnesota 34-31

Texas Tech players celebrate with the championship trophy after winning the Meineke Car Care Bowl NCAA college football game against Minnesota, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Houston. Texas Tech defeated Minnesota 34-31. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

Texas Tech players celebrate with the championship trophy after winning the Meineke Car Care Bowl NCAA college football game against Minnesota, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Houston. Texas Tech defeated Minnesota 34-31. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

Texas Tech's D.J. Johnson (12) intercepts a pass intended for Minnesota's Derrick Engel (18) during the fourth quarter of the Meineke Car Care Bowl NCAA college football game, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Houston. Texas Tech defeated Minnesota 34-31. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

Texas Tech quarterback Seth Doege holds the championship trophy after winning the Meineke Car Care Bowl NCAA college football game against Minnesota, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Houston. Texas Tech defeated Minnesota 34-31. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

Texas Tech's Eric Ward, left, outruns Minnesota's Jeremy Baltazar, right, for a touchdown during the fourth quarter of the Meineke Car Care Bowl NCAA college football game, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Houston. Texas Tech defeated Minnesota 34-31. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

Minnesota coach Jerry Kill reacts to a double penalty during the second quarter against Texas Tech in the Meineke Car Care Bowl NCAA college football game, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, in Houston. (AP Photo/Dave Einsel)

(AP) ? Texas Tech has had a difficult month since coach Tommy Tuberville left abruptly for the job at Cincinnati.

The struggles continued on Friday night, and the Red Raiders trailed Minnesota by a touchdown with just more than a minute left in the Meineke Car Care Bowl.

That was when seniors D.J. Johnson and Seth Doege came through with big plays to help Texas Tech to a 34-31 win.

After Doege connected with Eric Ward on a 35-yard scoring play to pull the Red Raiders even at 31 with just more than a minute remaining, Johnson returned an interception 39 yards and Ryan Bustin made a 28-yard field goal as time expired to give the Red Raiders the win.

"We've overcome a lot of adversity," Johnson said. "To end my last play like that is a blessing."

Michael Carter intercepted two of Doege's passes in the fourth quarter before the tying score, but Minnesota couldn't convert either of the turnovers into points.

"Things weren't always going our way ... but we kept fighting and put ourselves in a position to win the game," Doege said.

The Red Raiders (8-5) got their third straight bowl victory to end their trying season on a high note.

Texas Tech has hired Kliff Kingsbury to replace Tuberville, but interim coach Chris Thomsen led the team against Minnesota (6-7). Kingsbury was at the game, watching from a suite.

Doege threw for 271 yards and a touchdown and ran for another score in front of a crowd that included 1977 Heisman Trophy winner Earl Campbell and former Tech coach Spike Dykes.

"More than anything I credit those players," Thomsen said of Johnson and Doege. "They really held it together ... to get to make those plays after they struggled. They kept their poise and confidence and continued to stay in there and battle."

Philip Nelson threw for 138 yards and two scores for the Gophers, who were in a bowl game for the first time since 2009.

"I think our kids played hard tonight; they played their guts out, and I appreciate that," Minnesota coach Jerry Kill said. "We just couldn't make a play at a critical time."

The Red Raiders returned to a bowl after having their 18-season bowl streak snapped last year.

A 1-yard touchdown pass from Nelson to Drew Goodger gave Minnesota a 31-24 lead early in the fourth quarter.

Texas Tech led 24-17 at halftime, but couldn't do anything offensively in the second half until the last couple of minutes. It was an ugly game for the Red Raiders, who had 13 penalties for 135 yards and lost the tight end Jace Amaro when he was ejected for throwing a punch.

Jakeem Grant ran for what was initially ruled a touchdown for Tech late in the third quarter. Amaro threw a punch at Derrick Wells in the end zone on the play and was ejected.

After the penalty, the play was reviewed and overturned. Doege threw an incomplete pass before Tech made a 32-yard field goal. But the Red Raiders had a false start penalty on the play and had to kick again and this time the Gophers blocked it.

Nelson threw a 17-yard touchdown pass to Devin Crawford-Tufts, who was left uncovered in the end zone, to tie it 24-all early in the third quarter.

Donnell Kirkwood scored on a 3-yard run to leave Minnesota up 17-14 early in the second quarter.

Texas Tech had a first-and-goal at the Minnesota 2 after a pass-interference call on the Gophers. But Texas Tech had to settle for a field goal after a rush for a 3-yard loss and two penalties.

Minnesota's next drive started out well before turning ugly. The Gophers had made two first downs before MarQueis Gray was sacked for a loss of 7 yards. Kirkwood ran for 17 yards on the next play, but Minnesota received two 15-yard penalties on the play, one for a personal foul on lineman Zac Epping, to make it second-and-42. Epping received a second personal foul penalty on the next play to bring up third-and-49.

"We just made some errors that I wish we hadn't made," Kill said.

Christian Eldred shanked the punt, giving Texas Tech the ball at the Minnesota 42.

The Red Raiders capitalized on their great field position when Doege spun away from a defender in the backfield and leaped over another Gopher near the goal line on a 4-yard touchdown run. Tech converted a fourth-and-6 play on that drive, and led 24-17 at halftime.

Minnesota's Rodrick Williams Jr. scored on a 2-yard run to give the Gophers a 10-7 lead in the first quarter.

Doege lost his helmet on a 5-yard scramble on Tech's next drive and had to go out for one play. He was replaced by Michael Brewer, who found Derreck Edwards for a 13-yard touchdown pass to give the Red Raiders a 14-10 lead.

Minnesota's Troy Stoudermire returned the opening kickoff 26 yards to break the NCAA record for career kickoff return yards. He finished the game with 111 yards to push his total to 3,615.

The Gophers ended that drive with a 41-yard field goal to make it 3-0.

Texas Tech's Grant returned the ensuing kickoff 99 yards for a touchdown to put Texas Tech up 7-3.

Associated Press


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NYT Discovers Energy Revolution

Is the New York Times?finally catching on to America?s energy revolution??In a?recent op-ed, NYT?columnist Roger Cohen let his?readers in on the good news that America is set to become an energy exporter by the end of the decade, reshaping geopolitics and boosting the American economy. With a roaring energy boom and better demographics than other developed countries, America may not be in decline after all:

[America's shift to exporter status] is just eight years away. . . . According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the United States?imports around 8 million barrels of crude oil a day, so the predicted turnabout is dramatic. With those imports, notably those from the Middle East, go forms of political dependency and expediency that have long exacted a price on the United States.

Several developments lie behind this looming geostrategic shift. The first is the advent of shale oil and natural gas production made possible by new technologies. The second is the increase in oil production from deep water offshore operations. Between them, by somewhere between 2020 and 2030, these new sources are expected almost to double U.S. domestic oil production, currently running at between six and seven million barrels a day.

The energy revolution will also improve our standing?relative to?our chief rival:

In the Middle East, the equation switches when China becomes more dependent on a steady oil supply and more concerned on an economic basis about the region than the United States.

Right now, as Jaffe noted, China can operate in the knowledge that Middle Eastern instability costs the United States above all. If the Iran problem festers, for example, so be it. But facing a United States that is energy independent, as its own energy needs and costs rise, Beijing may well be prodded into a different strategic assessment.

Bullish on America op-eds in the NY Times? No, it?s not a sign of the apocalypse, but of the gradual realization that the energy revolution is real and that good things are headed our way.

Analyzing the consequences of America?s new energy abundance is going to become a major industry in the foreign policy world. We?re glad Via Meadia?readers got there first.


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Ozone levels have sizeable impact on worker productivity

Dec. 18, 2012 ? Researchers in the Department of Health Policy and Management at Columbia's Mailman School of Public Health assessed the impact of pollution on agricultural worker productivity using daily variations in ozone levels. Their results show that ozone, even at levels below current air-quality standards in most parts of the world, has significant negative impacts on worker productivity. Their findings suggest that environmental protection is important for promoting economic growth and investing in human capital in contrast to its common portrayal as a tax on producers.

Results of the study are published in the American Economic Review.

Ozone pollution continues to be a pervasive global issue with much debate over optimal levels. While policy makers routinely note that regulating ozone smog leads to many health benefits like reduced hospitalizations and mortality rates, Matthew Neidell, PhD, associate professor at the Mailman School and principal investigator, set out to investigate whether lower air pollution might also affect job performance. Until this research, there had been no systematic evidence on the direct impact of pollution on worker productivity.

The researchers found that a 10 ppb (parts per billion) change in average ozone exposure results in a significant 5.5 percent change in agricultural worker productivity. "These estimates are particularly noteworthy as the U.S. EPA is currently moving in the direction of reducing federal ground-level ozone standards," said Dr.Neidell, PhD. This past September President Obama said he would not support a proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency to tighten the federal ozone standard because it would pose too heavy a burden on businesses, which stunned public health experts and environmentalists.

Dr. Neidell also points out that in developing countries where environmental regulations are less strict and agriculture plays a more dominant role in the economy, the effects reported here may have a vast detrimental impact on a country's prosperity.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Joshua Graff Zivin, Matthew Neidell. The Impact of Pollution on Worker Productivity. American Economic Review, 2012; 102 (7): 3652 DOI: 10.1257/aer.102.7.3652

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012 | Movies, TV, Art & Entertainment: The Shining ...

Stanley Kubrick?s 1980 classic The Shining has made a return to our screens this year, and for the first time British audiences are seeing the original longer cut which was truncated for European release following unfavourable reviews. This truncation is a point of contention: on the one hand we obviously want our films to be as complete as possible, but on the other this is not the ?director?s cut? some have touted it as. In fact Kubrick chopped the film down himself, and apparently expressed a preference for the shorter version. With this in mind, how does the film hold up?

What is not up for question is that The Shining is a masterful work, and one which has aged remarkably well, thanks mostly to Kubrick?s marrying of?slow-burn tension?with?immaculately timed jump-scares.? Those crazy 70s carpets might have dated, but if anything this just adds to the film?s unique atmosphere. The actors rise to the standard set by Kubrick and his team. With her wonderfully expressive face and giant doe-eyes, Shelley Duvall is the real star of the film while Jack Nicholson, equally gifted with a face the camera loves, is beyond acting here. His febrile Jack Torrance is the centrepiece of the film, as much a part of its?make-up?as the Overlook Hotel itself.

Kubrick shows no interest in answering questions. It is hard to find a scene from the film which is not loaded with symbols, but their overall correlation is obscure, and wilfully so. The recent documentary Room 237 gave ear to a wild range of theories as to what is really going on up at the Overlook, but nobody is ever going to find a decisive answer. Stephen King, author of the novel on which the film is based, was reportedly shocked at what had been done to his work when he first saw the film, but a faithful adaptation was probably never on Kubrick?s agenda.

Obviously we cannot let this review go without mention of the scenes which were lost in the European cut. Well, it might be a question of what I was brought up with, but for me the European version is still superior. Whilst some of the cut scenes help to bolster the bizarre atmosphere, they can sometimes be a step too far. Early building on the Torrance family dynamic is intriguing, adding a layer of true-life melancholia to the supernatural shenanigans, but a scene towards the end where Wendy stumbles upon a ghostly dinner party looks like something from Disney?s Haunted Mansion, and punctures the delicious tension. Such niggles aside, though, this re-release is a chance to experience a true classic on the big screen, and is not to be missed.



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Top 9 Causes Of Pre-Wedding Jitters | World of Psychology

Top 9 Causes Of Pre-Wedding Jitters This guest article from YourTango was written by?Ashley Seeger.

Are you feeling anxious about your upcoming wedding? Sick to your stomach? Having bad dreams? Does the sight of the dress fill you with dread? Feeling like you may have made a mistake saying ?yes? or proposing?

If you answered yes, you are experiencing pre-wedding jitters. This is your subconscious telling you that something is not right and you need to listen to it. It may be that you are nervous about your own ability to be a husband or wife, anxious that your fianc? can?t be the spouse you need or both.

Having wedding jitters does not mean that the marriage is doomed or that it is time to call off the wedding. But all jitters mean that an intervention is needed. Something is making you anxious and you need to understand what it is.

We all have an internal compass that guides us in our life and when we go against it, there is a reaction. At first, you feel a gentle tugging at the back of your brain; something does not feel right. You feel ?off.? If you pay attention to this feeling, the cause or causes will slowly become clear. But if you don?t pay attention, your subconscious will get louder and louder and the bad feelings begin to turn to physical symptoms ? you may have bad dreams, difficulty sleeping, stomach issues, illness or even injuries.

I have worked with many brides and grooms who have had jitters and some that have had physical symptoms of anxiety and stress about their upcoming nuptials. The work is focused on finding the cause of their ?jitters? so they can clearly see what action is needed.

I have outlined my own list of the main causes for wedding jitters. I hope it will help you to begin to understand where your anxiety comes from so that you can begin to take action and have the wedding and marriage you want.

1. The wedding day. Sometimes it is the wedding day itself that is the cause of anxiety. Having one?s entire family together for a day or weekend can cause a great deal of anxiety especially when there are divorces, step-parents, estranged family members or just one particularly difficult family member. For other brides or grooms, wedding-day stress is about being in the spotlight.

One bride I know, who was anxious about being at the center of attention, decided to get rid of the aisle at her wedding. She and her fianc? walked together into the middle of the cocktail reception and said their vows surrounded by friends and family. Your wedding does not have to be conventional ? you can set it up so that it works for you.

In all instances, I believe that getting support for your wedding day is essential. A counselor or wedding planner can help you create a plan for dealing with difficult family members and organize your day so that you feel safe and connected with your spouse.

2. Becoming a ?wife? or ?husband.? Our parent?s marriage is our blueprint for our own marriage. We learn from them how to argue, how to ask for our needs and how to negotiate power in an intimate relationship. Some of us did not get an ideal blueprint to follow; we come from broken homes, homes filled with anger, violence, shame or neglect or homes where there is little or no emotional intimacy.

Sometimes, when we become engaged the fear that we will become just like our mom or dad is overwhelming. It is important to remember that you do not have to mirror your blueprint. You can choose any type of relationship you want. But, if you do not actively choose a different way of connecting or expressing anger, you will go on autopilot and fall back on familiar behaviors.

If this sounds like what you are feeling then what you need is to gain an understanding of your past so you can clearly define your future. Get support around understanding your own blueprint so you can then decide what you want to keep and what pieces of your parent?s marriage you want to get rid of. Once you have this, you and your fianc? can openly discuss your plan, goals and dreams for the marriage.

3. What is the plan? Have you talked through the BIG items with your intended? A few of these big items include: do we want kids and when; where do we want to live; how much money do we plan to make; how will we budget; how much time will we spend with our extended families; who is staying home with the kids; how ambitious are we individually and how are we going to make room in the relationship for this ambition.

When you talk through all of these questions, a picture or plan for your marriage emerges. Many couples don?t discuss their overall plan before they get married because they either don?t know how to or because they already know there is a conflict and they don?t know how to find a resolution.

If you have not discussed the big questions with your fianc? this may be a source of your wedding jitters. There can be the illusion that these conflicts will all ?work themselves out.? I will tell you from personal as well as professional experience that they don?t. But I do know that your anxiety will be greatly relieved by beginning this conversation. Consider finding a workbook or a couples counselor who can guide you through this discussion, help you set goals for yourselves and teach you the communication skills you need to negotiate when your desires or needs differ.

4. Violence or the threat of violence. Violence is never OK. It is never, ever, ever, ever OK.?If there has been violence, threats of violence or shaming or controlling behavior in your relationship, you need to seek the support of a therapist to better understand the dynamics of the abuse and why you choose to stay.

If you are questioning the relationship because there has been abusive behavior in the past, please listen to your instincts. Slow things down and find some support. Abuse rarely only occurs once. It is a pattern of behavior that cycles through wonderful times and then abusive or controlling times. It will happen again unless there is an intervention.?

Contributed by, an online magazine dedicated to love, life and relationships. From dating to marriage, parenting to empty-nest, relationship challenges to relationship success, YourTango is at the center of the conversations that are closest to our over 3 million readers' hearts. With daily contributions from our Experts, we have a little something for everyone looking to create healthier lives. We're excited to offer our contributions to the PsychCentral community, and invite you to visit us on

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????Last reviewed: By John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on 14 Dec 2012
????Published on All rights reserved.

APA Reference
Experts, Y. (2012). Top 9 Causes Of Pre-Wedding Jitters. Psych Central. Retrieved on December 17, 2012, from



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